




As Georgia’s largest and most comprehensive cancer program, 北区医院癌症研究所(NHCI)是一个有经验的提供癌症护理的个人Diagnosis为膀胱癌.

What Is Bladder Cancer?

膀胱癌 癌症是从膀胱开始的吗. The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower abdomen or pelvis. 它的主要功能是保持和释放尿液. 膀胱癌 often starts from the 细胞 lining the bladder. 这些细胞被称为过渡性细胞 细胞.

膀胱癌s are classified by the way they grow:

  • Papillary tumors look like warts and are attached to a stalk.
  • 非乳头状(无梗)肿瘤是扁平的. 它们不常见,而且更具侵入性.



因为膀胱癌会比其他癌症引起更明显的Symptoms, 它通常可以很早就被发现. 早期膀胱癌的Symptoms包括:

  • 尿血.
  • 膀胱习惯改变或刺激Symptoms.
  • 尿痛.
  • 尿频和/或尿急增加.

Symptoms of more advanced bladder cancer can include:

  • 一侧腰痛.
  • 骨 pain or tenderness, if the cancer has spread to the bone.
  • 软弱或疲劳.
  • 无法小便.
  • 脚部肿胀.
  • 食欲不振或意外体重减轻.



膀胱癌的确切病因尚不清楚, 但是有几个Risk Factors会使人更容易患上膀胱癌, 包括:

  • 吸烟 – Up to half of all bladder 癌症 in men and women are caused by cigarette smoke. Smokers are at least three times more likely to get bladder cancer than non-smokers are.
  • 化学物质接触——大约四分之一的膀胱癌病例是由于接触致癌化学物质引起的, 或致癌物质. 染料的工人, 橡胶工人, 铝的工人, 皮革工人, 卡车司机, 和农药涂抹器 处于高危状态.
  • 服用某些药物或草药补充剂.
  • 接触饮用水中的砷.
  • History of chronic bladder infections and irritations.
  • 个人或家族有膀胱癌或其他尿路上皮癌病史.
  • Genetic factors including a mutation of the retinoblastoma (RB1) gene, 考登病和林奇综合症.
  • Prior chemotherapy treatment with cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan).
  • 之前的骨盆放疗治疗.

作为_AG亚游官网癌症预防和教育的综合方法的一部分,北区医院提供 建立戒烟, 一个吸烟和戒烟项目,提供帮助个人戒烟和停止使用其他烟草产品的资源. 如需更多信息,请致电  or 电子邮件 or 在网上注册即将到来的课程.



AG真人视讯官网的 癌症遗传学项目 是否可以为有强烈的个人或家族遗传病史而导致膀胱癌的患者提供基因咨询和检测. _AG亚游官网的 team of certified genetic counselors help patients assess, understand 并降低患某些遗传性癌症的风险,如膀胱癌. 欲了解更多信息,请致电 或电子邮件


膀胱癌 incidence is increasing both nationally and here in Georgia. 2018年,预计将有近2000名格鲁吉亚人被Diagnosis出膀胱癌.

该的 前列腺和泌尿肿瘤项目 在完成体格检查(包括直肠和盆腔检查)后,使用下列检查和程序Diagnosis膀胱癌:

如果检测结果证实膀胱癌, additional tests will be done to see if the cancer has spread. 这叫做分期. Staging helps providers guide future treatment and determine appropriate follow-up care.


The strength of 北区医院癌症研究所’s 前列腺和泌尿肿瘤项目 _AG亚游官网的多学科团队是否敬业, 经过专门培训的泌尿科癌症专家一起工作,为每个癌症患者提供个性化的医疗护理. 该的 urologic cancer care team offers a comprehensive scope of 医疗服务, 最新的技术, leading-edge clinical research and compassionate cancer support. _AG亚游官网的 prostate and urologic cancer multidisciplinary care team consists of:

  • 泌尿科医生
  • 放射肿瘤学家
  • 医疗肿瘤学家
  • 放射科医生
  • 病理学家
  • 遗传咨询师认证
  • 肿瘤科护士航海家
  • 临床研究护士

_AG亚游官网的泌尿科癌症专家定期开会,对膀胱癌患者进行前瞻性讨论,并就循证医学达成一致 膀胱癌Treatment Options. 这个论坛提供_AG亚游官网的医学专家 with the opportunity to discuss specific bladder cancer cases, 国家治疗指南和每个膀胱癌患者的独特生活环境,以制定有效的癌症治疗计划.

膀胱癌Treatment Options

_AG亚游官网的 前列腺和泌尿肿瘤项目 team is committed to providing high quality treatment options to bladder cancer patients and to making access to cancer care as 尽可能的方便. 每一个膀胱癌病例都是不同的 Treatment Options可以有所不同. 有几个因素在决定中起作用 the most appropriate course for treating the disease – age and health of the patient, stage of the disease, and benefits and side effects of 每一个Treatment Options.

北区医院癌症研究所 膀胱癌症专家 and supportive cancer care team members work together to ensure all patients receive a personalized, evidence-based treatment plan specific 他们的癌症需要.

Expand the content below to learn more about each bladder cancer treatment option.

Learn more about Cancer Treatment Options available at NHCI

膀胱癌的支持 & 生存

膀胱癌 treatment and recovery can be overwhelming, 这就是为什么_AG亚游官网有肿瘤科护士导航员来指导你癌症旅程的每一步. 北区医院癌症研究所的护士领航员是注册护士,具有广泛的知识 肿瘤学知识和培训, available to help guide patients after bladder cancer diagnoses and through treatment, educating and supporting cancer patients to make informed decisions. The cancer patient navigation team works with radiologists, 病理学家、泌尿科医生、肿瘤学家和其他泌尿科癌症专家协调治疗.

支持 provided by oncology 护士 navigators includes:

  • Clinical information and education on bladder 癌症.
  • Answering questions about diagnosis, treatments and any side effects experienced.
  • Starting and facilitating communication between the patient and their care team.
  • 获得情感和心理支持, including referrals to the right counseling services and support groups.
  • Monitoring each patient’s health and overall cancer treatment progress.

欲了解更多有关 肿瘤病人导航 or to speak with an oncology 护士 navigator, please call 或电子邮件 护士

Ongoing support is crucial when facing bladder cancer and afterward. 北区医院癌症研究所 provides a full range of 支持和生存 programs and services to address the unique needs of each cancer patient.