


免疫疗法 Program

Offering groundbreaking treatments that stimulate the immune system 对抗癌症

北岸医院癌症研究所(NHCI)数十年来一直以异体干细胞移植的形式提供癌症免疫治疗, 将捐赠者的骨髓或血液移植到患者体内,以治疗恶性血癌. 这种移植是人类免疫系统治愈癌症能力的第一个确凿证据. 现在, 研究人员正在开发新的方法来加强和增强患者自身的免疫系统,以对抗一些最复杂的癌症.


What Is 免疫疗法?

一个人的免疫系统是非常有效和精心设计的来保护_AG亚游官网免受感染. 然而, 与癌症, 免疫系统很难消除这些癌细胞,因为癌细胞为了生存会隐藏和欺骗免疫系统.

免疫疗法, also known as biological therapy, 是否有一种癌症治疗方法是通过刺激免疫系统来识别并更好地对抗癌症. It uses substances made by the body or in a lab to help the immune system work harder, or in a more targeted way, 对抗癌症.

免疫疗法 works by:

  • Stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells.
  • Preventing cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
  • Boosting the immune system's ability to get rid of cancer cells.

类型的癌症 Immunotherapies

几种不同类型的癌症免疫疗法正在商业和研究中得到应用. 北侧医院正在进行积极的研究方案,涉及使用免疫疗法治疗某些癌症.

Expand the content below for more information about the types of cancer immunotherapies.

For more information, or to refer a patient for CAR T-Cell Therapy, please call .

How Is 免疫疗法 Different From Conventional Cancer Treatment?

传统的化疗药物通过作用于细胞内部的“机制”来杀死癌细胞,并导致细胞死亡. 不幸的是, normal healthy cells often have similar machinery, so there can be many side effects to treatment (hair loss, nausea, etc.).

With immunotherapy, instead of directly targeting cancer cells themselves, we indirectly boost one’s immune system to fight the cancer.

CAR T-Cell Therapy

北侧医院癌症研究所是美国提供嵌合抗原受体(CAR) t细胞治疗的精选中心之一, one of the most promising cell-based cancer immunotherapies available.

NHCI是一个授权的治疗中心,提供以下类型的CAR - t细胞治疗:

  • BREYANZI™ 对复发或难治性(R/R)大b细胞淋巴瘤的成人患者进行两种或两种以上的全身治疗, 包括未另行说明的弥漫性大b细胞淋巴瘤(包括由惰性淋巴瘤引起的DLBCL), high-grade B-cell lymphoma, primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma, and follicular lymphoma grade 3B.
  • KYMRIAH® 对于25岁以下患有第二或晚期R/R b细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的患者, 以及成年R/R大b细胞淋巴瘤患者经过两种或两种以上的全身治疗, including DLBCL not otherwise specified, high-grade B-cell lymphoma and DLBCL arising from follicular lymphoma.
  • TECARTUS™ for adult patients with R/R mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).
  • YESCARTA® 对成人R/R大b细胞淋巴瘤患者进行两种或两种以上的全身治疗, including DLBCL not otherwise specified, primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma, high grade B-cell lymphoma, DLBCL arising from follicular lymphoma (FL), and indolent R/R FL after ≥2 lines of systemic therapy.

This highly specialized treatment involves:

  • Removing immune system T-cells from the patient’s bloodstream.
  • Shipping T-cell product to a manufacturing laboratory.
  • 通过基因工程(重编程)使t细胞在其表面产生一种叫做嵌合抗原受体的特殊受体, 或汽车, enabling the T-cells to better recognize and kill cancer cells.
  • Expanding T-cells to make billions of new enhanced T-cells.
  • 将CAR - t细胞产物注入患者体内,以靶向并杀死恶性肿瘤细胞.


Prior to CAR T-cell infusion, the patient receives disease-specific chemotherapy, 在免疫系统中创造空间,让注入的重编程CAR - t细胞生长和繁殖.

For more information, or to refer a patient for CAR T-Cell Therapy, please call .

Why Choose AG真人视讯官网 癌症研究所 for CAR T-Cell Therapy?

_AG亚游官网的免疫疗法项目的医生是管理CAR - t细胞疗法和其他免疫疗法癌症治疗的专家, 而Northside是东南部仅有的几个有能力和设施的设施之一(乔治亚州有两个) appropriately manage the toxicity of immunotherapy agents.

北侧医院参与了新型CAR -t细胞治疗的临床试验,并有经验照顾可能出现轻微到严重免疫副作用的患者. AG真人视讯’s state-of-the-art diagnostic testing, advanced facilities, comprehensive patient-centered care, 和训练有素的癌症医生专家都是_AG亚游官网的病人所接受的特殊护理的重要组成部分, resulting in outstanding survival outcomes and patient satisfaction.

For more information or to refer a patient for CAR T-Cell Therapy, please call .

Learn more about CAR T-cell therapy

Learn more about other AG真人视讯官网 癌症研究所 癌症治疗 and Therapies.


Targeted Therapies Block Growth and Spread of Cancer
